Intellivision Musical Allusions

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Although Intellivision hasn't had a band named directly after it yet (as The Ataris apparently are), it does have a tribute band! Check out Astrosmash. In addition, some astute observers out there have discovered some other references to Intellivision in popular music.

On top of that, Intellivision Productions released the excellent Intellivision in Hi-Fi CD. It's a must-have for any hard-core Intellivision fan! Check it out here.

The following table lists the Intellivision-related musical references and projects reported thus far. If you wish to provide new or additional information, send a message! Note that this is not about music in Intellivision games, or implemented on the console, but rather about bands that refer to Intellivision via artwork, lyrics, inspiration, and so forth.

Intellivision in Hi-Fi

Music CD: Intellivision in Hi-Fi

Produced by Retrotopia Records via Intellivision Productions, this CD contains a wealth of actual Intellivision music–much from unreleased or prototype projects, as well as a selection of new material specifically recorded for the album. I especially enjoy Sufin' on Thin Ice and Lounge Shark! Lounge Shark! Full details are here.

Astrosmash–The Band

Band: Astrosmash

A band that claims our favorite console as part of its musical inspiration! Check them out today!

Rush: Signals

Band: Rush–Signals (Liner notes reference)

How may young Rush fans bragged to their Atari-playing friends after noticing that the band was a fan of Intellivision Baseball? The liner notes (from the CD here [close-up]) proved that Intellivision was superior to Atari–because Rush liked it!

The Anniversary: Designing a Nervous Breakdown

Music CD: The Anniversary–Designing a Nervous Breakdown (Artwork)

This was first widely announced in an Intellivision Newsletter, which credits Bohus Blahut with making the report. The newsletter has a small snippet from a band member about how the Microsurgeon artwork ended up gracing their album cover. And it's not just the front cover! Also check out the interior and back cover.

DJ Me DJ You: SimpleMachineRock

Music CD: DJ Me DJ You–Simplemachinerock (Artwork)

This was also first widely announced in an Intellivision Newsletter, which credits "Dave" with making the report. The newsletter has a small snippet from a band member about how one of the band members is a big Intellivision fan. The Imagic art theme is reflected on the back cover and CD itself as well. Check out the CD and back cover.

Sydney Hunter and the Sacred Tribe Original Soundtrack

Music CD: Sydney Hunter and the Sacred Tribe Original Soundtrack

Contains nine tracks from the original soundtrack for the game published by CollectorVision in 2016. Music composed by Adán Toledo G. The CD disc looks like an old-fashioned 45-rpm record.

Sydney Hunter Definitive Soundtrack

Music CD: Sydney Hunter Definitive Soundtrack

Contains over fifty tracks from the original soundtracks for the various Sydney Hunter games published by CollectorVision. Music composed by Adán Toledo G. The CD disc looks like an old-fashioned 45-rpm record.